Thursday, June 28, 2012

The SCOTUS Ruling Will Fuel More Government Reach Into Your Drink

Today's Supreme Court decision on The Affordable Care Act will go a long way in empowering those who feel they know what's better for you than you do yourself. It's been to the highest court in the land and came out on the other side, no worse for wear.

In cities across the country, we've watched small pieces of personal freedoms and choices get stripped away, down to the very core of basic things such as soda sizes at the movie theater. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg made news again last month with his recently proposed ban on sugary drinks over 16 oz in on-premise venues across the city. This far-reaching legislation caught the attention of those on the left who are always happy to levy a tax or a ban on people or things and then hide behind the populist theme of "if it's for the betterment of society as a whole, I'm all for it."

Social wins are to liberals what spinach is to Popeye. They squeeze open the can and slam it down their gullet, their muscles and veins bulging, they got their chests sticking out. They're pumped up, man! And they should be. But, be careful. What comes with this new found confidence is a brazenness to go further. It's a blood sport once it reaches SCOTUS level and they want to put their foot on your throats while you're down. They want to finish you off like a fatality in Mortal Kombat. 

The only way to fend off further far-reaching government intervention is to stay informed and stay active. Educate yourselves so you can debate a liberal. But don't stoop to the level of hysterics. They are really good at that. They will use terms such as "fair" or "equality" and other class-warfare buzz words to try to cloud the debate waters and fuel anger. Don't fall for it. Stay focused, use facts (they hate that) and keep your eye on the ball.

To keep up on the recent NYC soda ban, visit New Yorkers for Beverage Choices website. You can sign up for news alerts and even send a letter to Mayor Bloomberg. They are the local lead dog in the fight against NYC's proposed ban. Also, read the American Beverage Association Blog for more industry related news and data. You can also stay updated on beverage industry related topics and news on Twitter. Follow Kevin Perry from the Georgia Beverage Association, @GABeverage, for an in-depth view into the soda ban and other industry topics. Also, for an opposing viewpoint, follow @MicheleRSimon, a Public Health Lawyer who has been very vocal in her displeasure of big soda, big agriculture and big macs. It's important to know what the opposition is thinking, albeit misguided. Of course, you can follow me, @DrinkPro, for a little of everything. I'm kind of like a Long Island Iced Tea.

Remember, stay involved, stay educated, stay hydrated and stay polite.

This blog is the opinion of the author. None of the individuals or companies mentioned have any affiliation with this blog, nor do they endorse its contents...but they should. Gregg W Shore is a 23 year beverage veteran who writes his blog 
@DrinkPro, A View of the Beverage Industry, from the Inside Out. Connect on LinkedIn and follow on Twitter @DrinkPro

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